{% unless grid_image_width %} {%- assign grid_image_width = '275x275' -%} {% endunless %}
{% for media in product.media limit:1%} {% case media.media_type %} {% when 'image' %} {{ product.featured_image.alt }} {% when 'external_video' %} {{ media | external_video_tag: class: "grid-view-item__image lazyload" }} {% when 'video' %} {{ media | video_tag: loop: true, autoplay: true, muted: true , class: "grid-view-item__image lazyload" }} {% endcase %} {% endfor %} {% include 'product-labels' %} {% if settings.enable_hover_button and product.available %}
{%- if product.variants.size > 1 -%} {% if template != 'index' %} {{ 'collections.general.select_option' | t }} {% endif %} {%- else -%}
{% if product.template_suffix == "preorder" %} {% else %} {% endif %}
{%- endif -%} {%- endif -%} {% if settings.enable_wishlist %} {% endif %} {% if settings.enable_hover_button and product.available %}
{% endif %}
{% include 'product-price', variant: product, show_vendors: section.settings.show_vendor %}