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Customize the Blog sidebar

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Why you need a Blog sidebar?

The sidebar can be used as a space for product or service promotion, and also to get the page visitors to take some particular action you want them to take. For instance, you can feature your most recent blog articles, add featured products from your Shop, add a promotion banner, …

Moreover a Blogging is one of the most robust ways to increase Free organic traffic and build a great sales funnel around your online business

How to customize the Blog sidebar in Plak theme?

From Plak theme editor :

  • Click the dropdown menu on the top
  • Click Blog posts
  • Click on the new section Blog sidebar
sidebar in desktop plak theme

The blog sidebar features

Custom HTML :

Embed any HTML code, example : twitter feeds, Pinterest pin, Google adsense banner, …

You can ask the Community if you don’t know what or how to add a custom HTML code in that area

Featured products :

Showcase some of your Shopify shop products

Banner :

  • Add an image banner with a link to your sidebar
  • Add a text on hover to let the visitors know more about the image banner

Newsletter signup:

Add a newsletter subscription button

Blog sidebar on mobile

Plak theme blog sidebar is mobile friendly, this sidebar is accessible via a filter button that opens a drawer in mobile view.

mobile sidebar in Plak theme

You can chose to hide/show some features on mobile only, desktop only or both of them.

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