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Blurry coupon feature – Kozen –

The blurry coupon is one of the best alternative to entrance popups

How does the Blurry Coupon Codes works ?

When a visitor (non-subscriber) lands on your product page, the coupon code discount is shown as a blurry image, this visitor must signup/signin to see the coupon clearly.

Why we used blurry image instead of text ?

The coupon discount text is converted to an image to avoid selecting it or find it in html, the subscriber has no choice to either sign up/ sign in to see the coupon clearly.

How to enable Blurry Coupon in Kozen theme?

Before using this feature, the customer accounts must be enabled.

1- Enable it in the product page

2- Enable it in the blog article sidebar

IMPORTANT : Don’t forget to add your coupon into the Shopify discount codes section as shown in the screenshot below

discount code, shopify

Blurry coupon in action


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