Blog Sidebar NOT av...
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Blog Sidebar NOT available?

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Hi there, I followed the instructions to edit my Blog's Sidebar: from the dropdown select BLOGS > BLOG PAGES. There, I only see SETTINGS, LIST OR GRID, SHOW AUTHOR, SHOW DATE. That's it.  Please advise ASAP.  Thanks!


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Jasmine Keinsh
Estimable Member Admin
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Posts: 131

Hi @eleven10leather

Jasmine from Plak Theme support here.

In order to access the Blog Sidebar section, click first on Blog posts from the top dropdown menu, then click on Blog sidebar on the left side of your screen (as seen in the attached photo).

Note : The section you were in is for the blog categories not the blog posts area.

Let me know if you need any further help with this feature ^^

Kind regards,


Jasmine | Plak theme support
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plaktheme reacted
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@plakadmin - Jasmin, thank you for the response, however, if you looked at the images I sent you would see that I don't have the same options as your example, that's the problem.  Just for kicks, I've included images of the drop-down menu options I DO have.

You'll notice that I have "BLOGS" not "Blog Posts".  And, you should also notice that once I select BLOGS, I don't have "Related Articles" or "Blog Sidebar" as an option.  Please advise.  Thanks!


Jasmine Keinsh
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Hi again @eleven10leather

The reason why you don't have the Blog sidebar or related articles section is because you have probably no blog posts published yet, is it the case ?

Jasmine | Plak theme support
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plaktheme reacted
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@plakadmin I am working on my first, yes. And, I don't want to publish my first blog post without a product image and URLs on the side bar.

This post was modified 4 years ago by Nick Young

Jasmine Keinsh
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Ok great ! So when you publish your first article, those sections will appear and you can easily modify their features from the theme editor as shown on my first screenshot 🙂

Feel free to reach to us again if you need any help.

Best regards,

Jasmine | Plak theme support
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@plakadmin I see that, thank you for the quick responses!!!


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