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cart arrows and collection button

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Hi, I am using Plak theme for my site.

1. please tell me how to enable the arrows on the cart page for selecting the quantity.

2. please tell me how to activate, on the collection page, the button for selecting a variant for the product with multiple variants (available for Plak 2.2).

Thank you.

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Hello @ilyeszoltan,

PJ here from Plaktheme Support.

As for #1 - Sorry but by default the arrows are there, can you please clarify what you mean exactly?

Please see demo store for instance, the quantity arrows is there by default. 

As for #2 - The select option button will only appear if there is more than one option/variant, otherwise the add to cart button will show up, if it is a preorder product, preorder button will appear.

Should you have any other concerns, please do not hesitate to let me know!

Best Regards,


PJ | Plak theme support

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#1, on the desktop version is ok but on mobile it does not appear anymore the arrows.

#2, i have products with more than 1 variant and it not appear the button. I saw it when updated the plak 2.2 version but now it is not there. On the product with only 1 variant the add to cart button appears.


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Hello @ilyeszoltan,

Thanks for clarifying, but does this happen recently or have you added a new app recently that might caused an issue?

In this case, we will need to check what's wrong in your site, I invite you send an email to by indicating your license key.

The same goes on your second concern.

Also it would be helpful to add the website url in your profile ( dont worry it will be visible only to admins/moderators ) so we can check your site to help us find this issue easily.

Best Regards,


PJ | Plak theme support

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-for the #1 I attached a photo with plak theme demo store cars accesories and there is the same issue.

- for the #2 I updated the profile with the website url. Please check and if you can please resolve it.

Thank you for your support.


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Hi @ilyeszoltan

Katrine from Plak support here,

I am following with you this thread as my colleague PJ is off now ^^

1- So regarding the point 1 the buttons (up & down) on the quantity selector appears on hover on desktop, on mobile, this uses the default mobile device selector, we will change this on your sites to keep the (up & down buttons visible) 

2- The select options won't appear on homepage, as we disabled the quick-view feature on homepage only to increase he site speed and to reduce the return rate, as generally, products with more than one option requires reading the product details, .... however the button (select options) will appear in your collection pages

I checked your both site and we have the access to both of them, we will fix the quantity selectors button on them directly, and you will receive a confirmation through email

Kind regards,

Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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Hi Katrine,

thank you for your support.

In the second issue,

the button is not functioning. It does nothing. You can't select any of the variants.

When I put the mouse on it, in the bottom left appears: javascript:void(0):

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I fixed the selection option issue on your store, I also added a selection from the product page in the theme editor, so you can change the way how the quantity selector is shown.

The standard quantity selector button on Plak on mobile uses the default mobile device code, if you would like to get more advanced changes in regards to quantity selector i invite you to use our Custom Tasks service

Kind regards,

Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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I saw the modifications, it looks very good, but ....

the cart selection issue is not fixed. In the cart, on mobile, you can't select the quantity by arrows or by +,_ buttons.

Also on the variant selection option, the same problem on a desktop, you can't select a variant quantity.

also...  on the product page, you replace translated Quantity "Cantitate" with Quantity. can you change it back?

Thank you for your support and for being so kind to me.


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Hi again @ilyeszoltan

As I mentioned previously, the quantity selectors were coded that way in Plak theme, we only make changes if a feature functionality or design is considered as an issue, and in this case, this is not considered as an issue, as the visitors can type their desired quantity in the quantity box in the quick view feature.

However, i fixed the Quantity translation for the new quantity selector design.

If you would like to change the quantity selector design I invite you to use our paid service.

Best regards,

Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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Thank you for your support


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