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[Solved] Restrict a collection to logged in user in Shopify

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I have a collection named (Best Selling) that I would like to show a different template ( i already have the code for it) for logged in users only, the non logged will see the standard best selling collection.

I hired someone from fiverr but he fails to achieve it, so I ma writting to you as you know better your Plak theme.

Thanks in advance

Jasmine Keinsh
Estimable Member Admin
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 131

Hi @bill-next-gate

Jasmine from Plak support here,

First of all, in order to avoid hassles with external third party developers, I invite you to always use our forum support for help with anything regarding your Shopify store, otherwise, if you are not a tech savy, you can use our paid CUSTOM TASK SERVICE

Regarding your question, please follow these steps to restrict the access to your custom collection for logged users only.

  • From your Shopify admin, click Online store > Actions > Edit code 
  • Under template, open the file collection.liquid
  • Locate the code
{% section 'collection-template' %}
  • Wrap it with a condition, so your code becomes
{% if collection.title == 'Best Selling' and customer %}
<div> Your custom code for logged users here </div>
{% else %}
{% section 'collection-template' %}
{% endif %}
  • Click Save 


Note that the collection name on this code must be exactly the one you assigned to your collection, and it is case sensitive 😉

I hope this may help.

Kind regards,

Jasmine | Plak theme support
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It worked great ! thank you so much


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