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Expanded Buy Now - Delivery Estimate & Color Option Swatch question

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I just bought the Sly theme.

How do I

1: Expande my Buy Now button to make it wider

2: Change the color of the swatch option 

3: Does this theme come with the delivery estimation date? I didn't see it

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Solved the delivery estimate.

Just need to know how to fix the other two 


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Hello @wardog20,

Welcome to the community and PJ here from Plak Support Theme.

As for your 1st concern: There is no way to expand this more further as it would cause design/ layout issues.

  • But if you really want it, please do provide us a full screenshot and how wide would you like the button to be displayed on DESKTOP please?

As for your 2nd concern: In order to enable and customize your Color Swatches, please follow instructions given in THIS TUTORIAL

3rd Concern: I'm glad to hear that you managed to figure it out on your own.

Should you have any other concerns, please do not hesitate to let us know!

Best Regards,


PJ | Plak theme support

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A.T reacted
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Thank you PJ! Loving the theme so far!

Last question, how do I get rid

of the Add To Cart button near the Buy It Now?

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Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 33

Hello @wardog20,

You are very much welcome and in order to get rid of the ADD TO CART Button, above the Paypal Button, please follow these steps:

  • From your Shopify admin click Online Store -> Themes -> Actions -> Edit Code
  • Open the 2 files theme.scss.liquid and homepage.scss.liquid
  • Then paste this code at the very bottom
button#wrap-to-add { display: none; }

That would then hide the Add to Cart Button besides the Quantity Option.

Should you have any other concerns, please do not hesitate to ask!

Best Regards, 


PJ | Plak theme support

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Thank you for all of your help and lightning fast response!

Much, much appreciated!!


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