How to Scale Your E...
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How to Scale Your Ecommerce Business in Just Few Months

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Marouane RHAFLI
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Nowadays with all the resources online, (Youtube, twitter, Google, ...) almost everyone from anywhere in the world can start an eCommerce in just few hours. But when it comes to scaling an online business and make it successful, this is a different story.

Before founding Plak Theme company, I was just like you, an online business owner (selling original perfumes online to be more precised), I made my store on Shopify and started advertising on Facebook and Google ads. But this was not enough and I had to spend thousands and thousands of dollars to bring new customers. So in order to lower my expenses and increase my earning, I started to use another strategy based on driving organic traffic and building a community around my brand along with increasing the performance of my Shopify store.

If you would like to scale your ecommerce store in just few months, here are 5 gold mine tricks to follow :


  • Build a community around your brand

I know that your main purpose of your online store is selling online, getting orders, but you need not to be too pushy... when you create a community around your brand, via an online forum, Facebook group or whatever, you're giving an added value to both your existing customers and your prospects. People would love to read more info about your business, your products, building contact, interacting with each other, ....

The second advantage of building a community around your brand is that you will gain more organic traffic. Through some researches made by users on search engines like Google, people will most likely land on one of your online topics, and this free traffic can turns the visitor into a regular customer   

  • Partnership

Partnering with companies, agencies, influencers can have a huge positive impact for your business... don't be lazy and start building contact and signs agreements with people around your business to spread your brand around the web

  • Be active on social media

Social media platforms count billions of people, from simple jokes to serious threads, you need to put your business and yourself in them. People love social interaction, and don't forget, don't be too pushy and don't post everytime for selling purpose, a ratio of 1/10 selling tended post would be good enough.

  • Consistency

Search engines love consistency, have you ever made a search on Google and fall on an article that is 15 years old ? probably not. In fact Google and other search engines prioritize fresh content, the more you're consistent, the more your chance to be featured on the first page of Google is higher

  • Hire talented staff

I know you may be in your beginning as a startup and can't afford a senior developer at 70$/h, but guess what ? If you cut your expenses in this, you will most likely have a poor performance website that will drastically damage your User Experience and lower your Conversion Rate. The competition in eCommerce is so rude, don't forget that.


Let me know in the comment below your thoughts, 




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Thank you so much for the info Marouane 🙂


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