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How to change text color

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on the image with text overlay how to change the text color?  

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Hello @jrm2atl,

PJ here from Plaktheme Support.

Of course, you can easily change it in the theme settings -> Colors -> Image Overlays:

But if you want to specifically just change the heading of the Image Overlays:
  • From your Shopify admin click Online Store -> Themes -> Actions -> Edit Code
  • Open the 2 files theme.scss.liquid and homepage.scss.liquid
  • Then paste this code at the very bottom
.hero .mega-title,.hero .mega-subtitle{ color: red !important; }

Note: Please change the color red to any color you wanted or into a hex code if you wish.

Should you have any other concerns, please do not hesitate to let me know!

Best Regards,


PJ | Plak theme support

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@pjforum Hi, thanks for responding.  Making changes to the code files is not a best practice.  Any changes will get overwritten on the next upgrade.  I prefer to add my own CSS file with all the changes, this way your upgrades will not override my changes.  I've done this with other themes by adding my own custom css file then adding a reference to my file by adding a line in the layout > theme.liquid file. 

For example in the layout section, I'd open theme.liquid and search for {{'theme.scss.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}

Then I'd add a reference to my file like this: 

  <!-- Start Custom CSS -->
  {{ 'myCustom.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
  <!-- End Custom CSS -->

How can I add my own custom css file to your theme so my changes won't get overwritten on next upgrade?  Thanks.



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Hi @jrm2atl

Katrine from Plak support here,

My colleague PJ is off now, so i'll continue with you this thread.

For speed purpose it is not recommended to use an additional link call by adding your own custom CSS, the steps given by PJ is the correct way to not to reduce your site speed.

However regarding the update, Plak theme is not like the other themes where you'll lose your custom changes upon upgrades. We update our merchants store manually to keep their custom changes intouchable.

Kind regards,


Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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@plaktheme OK, I want speed first so I'll listen to your recommendation.

I will comment my code so your developers will easily see what changes I made at the bottom of the files.

Question: do I always make changes to both theme.scss.liquid and homepage.scss.liquid? Or does it depend on the change?



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Yes @jrm2atl it is recommended to paste your code at the very bottom so you or the developer could be aware that there new codes added 🙂

Don't hesitate to reach to us again if ou have any other question or issue ^^


Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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