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Is anyone else having these issues? I do love the theme, cant wait to make it live.

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I am having a few problems setting up my theme. I am coming off of Turbo from Out of the Sand Box.

  1. When I have a menu item that has a drop down, the main title is not clickable? For Example, Contact ACU, is not clickable. Or Draft Beer, Machinery, Etc.
  2. My product upsell product does not have a photo, even though that product has a photo.
  3. I can not add tabs. It is not displaying. Just want to make sure if I leave the collection unselected it should display on all products correct?

I had to put a tag filer on my collection pages. Wish you could use liquid code in the filter bar, or be able to use one of those blocks built by you guys

I do like the theme and I believe it will function better than Turbo


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Just checked my email. Version 1.8 displays my product photo on upsell. 

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Hi @acumetalfab 🙂

Katrine from Plak support here,

Here are the answers to your questions :

1. When there is a menu item that has a drop down, the main title is not clickable by default, we have intentionaly disable it to let the visitor see your submenus in case they click on the main menu.

- In case you would like it to be clickable, just reply here, and i will indicate you how to do it through some coding.

2. We have noticed the featured image issue on the upsell feature in Plak 1.7 and we have fixed it in Plak 1.8 (released just today 03 August 2020).

We have emailed all our clients about the new release, I invite you to check the email used to purchase Plak licence, and check also your spam and promotional folders, the mail may fall there. In case you didn't receive it, please email us at

In the meantime, you can fix this by just changing one code line and here is how to do it.

  • From your Shopify dashboard, click Online store > Actions > Edit code
  • Open the file products-upsell.liquid
  • Remove the line number 22, and replace it with
 {%- assign featured_imagee = upsell-prod.featured_image -%}
  • Click save


3. Normally if there is no collection selected, tabs will show up on all products, If they are still hidden, create a collection featuring all your products and select it in the product page section in the theme editor

However, could you elaborate more your question below ?

"I had to put a tag filer on my collection pages. Wish you could use liquid code in the filter bar, or be able to use one of those blocks built by you guys"

Kind regards,

Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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Thank you for your super fast response.  I didn’t even check it until this morning because I didn’t think anyone would get back to me that quickly.


I will just modify my menu to fit the theme.

I will modify 1.8 so I have the increased speed.

Tabs are still not showing up on 1.8 so I will create a collection and do it that way for all products.


As far as my collection, please see screenshot. This is my current theme Turbo. Something like this for tags specific to each collection when viewed. 

I had to install my own on Plak Theme (See screenshot)

If it was built into the theme I believe It could be some added benefit. 

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I am setting up version 1.8 and my menu will not be stay on hover unless the main link is clicked?

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Hi @acumetalfab

Thanks for getting back again,

Regarding the filter by tags, we have this feature on collection template

From your theme editor, click on any collection page, or click on Collection pages at the dropdown menu on the top, a new section will popup called Collection pages, click on it again and you will have some tabs to show tags, featured product, html, ...


Add the exact tags you have on your products, and once you are in a collection, the existing products tags will show up.

If you have any issues with that, let me know.

Kind regards,

Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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Regarding the menu, we will need to access your store to check this closely, could you send us a request on one of our Shopify expert will get this fixed directly on your store 🙂

Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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Yeah I can manually add the tags, but for all my products for different sizes, this is a daunting task. I will just add the filter bar I have now currently.


I am working on version 1.8, I sent a staff invite. Thank you. I haven’t published Plak theme just yet.

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If you would like to display all your site tags automatically without the need of manual inputs, here is what to do :

  • From your Shopify store, click Online store > Actions > Edit code
  • Open the file collection_tag-filter.liquid
  • Replace the entire file code with the below one
<div class="filter-tag-group">
{% for block in section.blocks limit: 1 %}
{% assign array_tag1 = collections.all.tags %}
{% if array_tag1 != blank %}
{% capture conditionalIterator %}
{% for t in array_tag1 %}
{% assign tag = t | strip %}
{% if collection.tags contains tag %}
{% if current_tags contains tag %}
<li class="active">{{ '<i class="fa fa-check-square" aria-hidden="true"></i> ' | append: tag | link_to_remove_tag: tag }}</li>
{% else %}
<li>{{ '<i class="fa fa-square-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> ' | append: tag | link_to_add_tag: tag }}</li>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endcapture %}
{% assign conditionalIteratorStripped = conditionalIterator | strip %}
{% if conditionalIteratorStripped.size > 0 %}
<div class="tag-group {{block.settings.filter-visibility}}" id="coll-filter">
<h5 class="title ">{{ block.settings.group_tag_1_label }} </h5>
<i class="fa fa-angle-up collapsible-arrow rotate"></i>
<ul class="content">
{% assign collectionAllTags = collections.all.tags %}
{% for tag in collectionAllTags %}
{% if collection.tags contains tag %}
{% if current_tags contains tag %}
<li class="active">{{ '<i class="fa fa-check-square" aria-hidden="true"></i> ' | append: tag | link_to_remove_tag: tag }}</li>
{% else %}
<li>{{ '<i class="fa fa-square-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> ' | append: tag | link_to_add_tag: tag }}</li>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<script>$(function(){$('#coll-filter ul li a').click(function(l){l.preventDefault();var t=$(this).attr("href");$.ajax({type:"GET",url:t,data:{},beforeSend:function(l){$("#tags-load").show()},complete:function(l){$("#collection").html($("#collection",l.responseText).html()),history.pushState({page:t},t,t),$("#tags-load").hide(),handleGridList(),toggleTagsFilter()}})})});var i,coll=document.getElementsByClassName("collapsible-arrow");for(i=0;i<coll.length;i++)coll[i].addEventListener("click",function(){this.classList.toggle("active");var l=this.nextElementSibling;"none""block""none"});$(".rotate").click(function(){$(this).toggleClass("down")});window.scrollTo({top: 110, behavior: 'smooth'});</script>
  • Click Save

On collection template, the first filter added will be the one which will display the entire store tags.

I hope this may help

Kind regards,

Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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I would like only to display the tags for the specific collection I am on for simplicity reasons.


I added all my products to a collection. Some are still not showing on the tabs. Maybe I have to publish it then it will work?

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You can take a look at the preview theme here.

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tags will only show on the active collection where the products are in, for example.

- Collection A contains product x and product y

if a visitor is in another collection, say Collection B, the tags for product x and product y will be hidden.

Regarding the tabs, I think because the theme is unpublished now, that some of its features aren't working, once you publish the theme, try again and if the issue is still there, we will fix it 🙂

Kind regards,

Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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Okay theme is published. The tabs display for a few products.  I will give it time, maybe it is just updating in the backend. 


Any way to disable the filter button on mobile? I checked the box to not show the filter, but that just makes the filter blank when the button is clicked. 

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Yes give it a little bit time to forloop over your products, if you still have troubles with it after couple of hours of publishing the theme, I can guide you to change the code to display the tabs for the entire store without going through the collection restriction.

Regarding the radio buttons (show only on : mobile, desktop only, both) are for the filter parts only, not for the entire filter feature on mobile, because we have some merchants who display a filter sidebar on desktop different from filter on mobile, for example a tall banner on desktop, and a small one mobile.

If you would like to disable the filter button and feature completely on mobile, please follow these steps :

  • From your Shopify dashboard, click online store > Actions > Edit code
  • Open the file theme.scss.liquid
  • Locate this code (from line 7147 to 7170)
 .mob-sidebar {
@include media-query($small) {
width : 65%;
display : block !important;
top: 100px;
position : fixed;
overflow-y : auto;
overflow-x : hidden;
height : 100%;
background : white;
box-shadow: 2px 2px 3px #999;
  • Replace it with
 .mob-sidebar {
@include media-query($small) {
width : 65%;
display : none !important;
top: 100px;
position : fixed;
overflow-y : auto;
overflow-x : hidden;
height : 100%;
background : white;
display : none !important;
box-shadow: 2px 2px 3px #999;
  • Click Save


Let me know about the tabs within couple of hours 🙂

Kind regards,

Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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You are the best! This will increase my speed on mobile not having that full menu on the side. I will keep you updated on the tabs! I don't want to keep bugging anymore. Your support is amazing. 

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