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Sharing to facebook issue from shopify site

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 I wanted to share some of my products on facebook today. The images of my products did not show up. Only my logo and the title of the product. What do I need to do to make sure that images appear on facebook?



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Hi @a-homespun-hobby

Katrine from Plak support here,

The social sharing image which you've chosen on Plak theme editor or/and from the Shopify admin dashboard will show up in case there is no image in the page you share on social media or in case for example facebook fails to fetch the product image.

In order to be sure to share the product image, remove the social sharing image from the theme editor


Let me know if worked for you

kind regards,

Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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No, this didn't work.

I waited for a while to see if it took a while for the change to update. I cleared my cache, and restarted my computer just for giggles.

Is there something else I can try?


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Hi Again,

In this case, we will need to check what's wrong in your site, I invite you send an email to by indicating your licence key (if it is the first time you contact the support via email)

Kind regards,


Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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