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Video thumbnail not showing on product page

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Aden Mott
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Hi Katrine, 

Today I used the video feature for the first time.  I added a video to my product page using the "add by link" to my Youtube video.  I then clicked the video and changed the thumbnail from within the product page, and I can see it there on the admin page, but it is not displaying the correct thumb on the live product page. Is there an additional step for this?  Thanks!

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Posted by: @adenmott

Hi Katrine, 

Today I used the video feature for the first time.  I added a video to my product page using the "add by link" to my Youtube video.  I then clicked the video and changed the thumbnail from within the product page, and I can see it there on the admin page, but it is not displaying the correct thumb on the live product page. Is there an additional step for this?  Thanks!

Hi Aden,

What's the issue exactly with the video thumbnail ? I checked your site and the thumbnail is there and the video is working correctly, could you explain more the concern ?

Thanks in advance

Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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Aden Mott
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Sorry I didn't include it the first time!  I am including the image below.  From within the product page, I clicked the video I added and selected the option to replace the thumbnail you posted above with a new one that I made. I can see this image on the edit product page, but on the live page it is showing the previous one you posted above.

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Posted by: @adenmott

Sorry I didn't include it the first time!  I am including the image below.  From within the product page, I clicked the video I added and selected the option to replace the thumbnail you posted above with a new one that I made. I can see this image on the edit product page, but on the live page it is showing the previous one you posted above.

I still didn't get the concern about the thumbnail 🙄 , I checked your site, everything seems to be OK, your featured image on the Shopify product page is the same on the live site, and the video is working properly 

Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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Aden Mott
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Sorry I will try to explain better.  Below you will see the image with a red play button.  This is the thumbnail that I created to show rather than the second image with the grey button.  This was the default thumbnail generated by Youtube, and the aspect ratio is incorrect.  On the edit product page, I replaced this thumbnail with the red one, but it is not showing the correct thumbnail on the live page.

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Posted by: @adenmott

Sorry I will try to explain better.  Below you will see the image with a red play button.  This is the thumbnail that I created to show rather than the second image with the grey button.  This was the default thumbnail generated by Youtube, and the aspect ratio is incorrect.  On the edit product page, I replaced this thumbnail with the red one, but it is not showing the correct thumbnail on the live page.

Thanks Aden for the comparison screenshot, now I understand what you are referring to, please allow me some minutes to investigate this and I will get back to you with a solution

Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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By default, Plak uses the Youtube thumbnail even you update it from the Shopify product page.

I went to you store and made change to the code so you can use your own preview image.

You will find it in the unpublished theme called Youtube preview image

Let me know if you need any further help with this

Kind regards,



Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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Aden Mott
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THANK YOU!! It looks so much better now!

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