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Add share to whatsapp icon to Debut theme on Shopify

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This tutorial allows you to add share to Whatsapp icon to Debut theme product page.



  • From Your Shopify dashboard, click Online store > Actions > Edit code
  • Open the file social-sharing.liquid
  • Just before the closing tag </ul> add the following code
<a target="_blank" href="{{ shop.url | append: share_permalink }}" class="btn btn--small btn--share" title="whatsapp">
{% render 'icon-whatsapp' %}
<span class="share-title" aria-hidden="true">Whatsapp</span>
<span class="visually-hidden">Whatsapp</span>


  • Click Save
  • Under snippets, click Add a new snippet
  • Name the file icon-whatsapp
  • Insert the following code
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 1219.547 1225.016"><path fill="#E0E0E0" d="M1041.858 178.02C927.206 63.289 774.753.07 612.325 0 277.617 0 5.232 272.298 5.098 606.991c-.039 106.986 27.915 211.42 81.048 303.476L0 1225.016l321.898-84.406c88.689 48.368 188.547 73.855 290.166 73.896h.258.003c334.654 0 607.08-272.346 607.222-607.023.056-162.208-63.052-314.724-177.689-429.463zm-429.533 933.963h-.197c-90.578-.048-179.402-24.366-256.878-70.339l-18.438-10.93-191.021 50.083 51-186.176-12.013-19.087c-50.525-80.336-77.198-173.175-77.16-268.504.111-278.186 226.507-504.503 504.898-504.503 134.812.056 261.519 52.604 356.814 147.965 95.289 95.36 147.728 222.128 147.688 356.948-.118 278.195-226.522 504.543-504.693 504.543z"/><linearGradient id="a" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x1="609.77" y1="1190.114" x2="609.77" y2="21.084"><stop offset="0" stop-color="#20b038"/><stop offset="1" stop-color="#60d66a"/></linearGradient><path fill="url(#a)" d="M27.875 1190.114l82.211-300.18c-50.719-87.852-77.391-187.523-77.359-289.602.133-319.398 260.078-579.25 579.469-579.25 155.016.07 300.508 60.398 409.898 169.891 109.414 109.492 169.633 255.031 169.57 409.812-.133 319.406-260.094 579.281-579.445 579.281-.023 0 .016 0 0 0h-.258c-96.977-.031-192.266-24.375-276.898-70.5l-307.188 80.548z"/><image overflow="visible" opacity=".08" width="682" height="639" xlink:href="FCC0802E2AF8A915.png" transform="translate(270.984 291.372)"/><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" fill="#FFF" d="M462.273 349.294c-11.234-24.977-23.062-25.477-33.75-25.914-8.742-.375-18.75-.352-28.742-.352-10 0-26.25 3.758-39.992 18.766-13.75 15.008-52.5 51.289-52.5 125.078 0 73.797 53.75 145.102 61.242 155.117 7.5 10 103.758 166.266 256.203 226.383 126.695 49.961 152.477 40.023 179.977 37.523s88.734-36.273 101.234-71.297c12.5-35.016 12.5-65.031 8.75-71.305-3.75-6.25-13.75-10-28.75-17.5s-88.734-43.789-102.484-48.789-23.75-7.5-33.75 7.516c-10 15-38.727 48.773-47.477 58.773-8.75 10.023-17.5 11.273-32.5 3.773-15-7.523-63.305-23.344-120.609-74.438-44.586-39.75-74.688-88.844-83.438-103.859-8.75-15-.938-23.125 6.586-30.602 6.734-6.719 15-17.508 22.5-26.266 7.484-8.758 9.984-15.008 14.984-25.008 5-10.016 2.5-18.773-1.25-26.273s-32.898-81.67-46.234-111.326z"/><path fill="#FFF" d="M1036.898 176.091C923.562 62.677 772.859.185 612.297.114 281.43.114 12.172 269.286 12.039 600.137 12 705.896 39.633 809.13 92.156 900.13L7 1211.067l318.203-83.438c87.672 47.812 186.383 73.008 286.836 73.047h.255.003c330.812 0 600.109-269.219 600.25-600.055.055-160.343-62.328-311.108-175.649-424.53zm-424.601 923.242h-.195c-89.539-.047-177.344-24.086-253.93-69.531l-18.227-10.805-188.828 49.508 50.414-184.039-11.875-18.867c-49.945-79.414-76.312-171.188-76.273-265.422.109-274.992 223.906-498.711 499.102-498.711 133.266.055 258.516 52 352.719 146.266 94.195 94.266 146.031 219.578 145.992 352.852-.118 274.999-223.923 498.749-498.899 498.749z"/></svg>
  • Click Save


That's all ! Now people can share your products with their friends and family via Whatsapp 🙂

If you have any questions about share to whatsapp button/icon on Debut theme, feel free to comment below


Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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Eminent Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 39

thank you so much for sharing, I have that already built-in in the latest plak theme 🙂

New Member
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 1

Thanks for this information! Very interesting.

plaktheme reacted

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