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Brooklyn theme : add tiktok icon

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This tutorial allows you to add Tiktok icon to the footer of Brooklyn theme.



  • From your Shopify dashboard, click Online store > Actions > Edit code
  • Open the file footer.liquid
  • Add this code at the very top
{% style %}
.icon-tiktok {
padding-right : 0px !important;
{% endstyle %}

  • Just before this code
{% if settings.social_fancy_link != blank %}
  • Add this one
<a href="" title="{{ 'layout.footer.social_platform' | t: name:, platform: 'Tiktok' }}" target="_blank" aria-describedby="a11y-new-window-external-message">
<span class="icon icon-tiktok " aria-hidden="true">{% render 'tiktok-logo' %}</span>

  • Replace the YOUR-USERNAME in the code you have just inserted with your actual TikTok username
  • Click Save
  • Under Snippets, click Add a new snippet
  • Name it tiktok-logo
  • Insert the following code
<svg width="20px" height="18px" viewBox="0 0 250 250" xmlns=""><g clip-rule="evenodd" fill-rule="evenodd"><path d="M25 0h200c13.808 0 25 11.192 25 25v200c0 13.808-11.192 25-25 25H25c-13.808 0-25-11.192-25-25V25C0 11.192 11.192 0 25 0z" fill="#010101"/><path d="M156.98 230c7.607 0 13.774-6.117 13.774-13.662s-6.167-13.663-13.774-13.663h-2.075c7.607 0 13.774 6.118 13.774 13.663S162.512 230 154.905 230z" fill="#ee1d51"/><path d="M154.717 202.675h-2.075c-7.607 0-13.775 6.118-13.775 13.663S145.035 230 152.642 230h2.075c-7.608 0-13.775-6.117-13.775-13.662s6.167-13.663 13.775-13.663z" fill="#66c8cf"/><ellipse cx="154.811" cy="216.338" fill="#010101" rx="6.699" ry="6.643"/><path d="M50 196.5v6.925h8.112v26.388h8.115v-26.201h6.603l2.264-7.112zm66.415 0v6.925h8.112v26.388h8.115v-26.201h6.603l2.264-7.112zm-39.81 3.93c0-2.17 1.771-3.93 3.959-3.93 2.19 0 3.963 1.76 3.963 3.93s-1.772 3.93-3.963 3.93c-2.188-.001-3.959-1.76-3.959-3.93zm0 6.738h7.922v22.645h-7.922zM87.924 196.5v33.313h7.925v-8.608l2.453-2.248L106.037 230h8.49l-11.133-16.095 10-9.733h-9.622l-7.923 7.86V196.5zm85.47 0v33.313h7.926v-8.608l2.452-2.248L191.509 230H200l-11.133-16.095 10-9.733h-9.622l-7.925 7.86V196.5z" fill="#fff"/><path d="M161.167 81.186c10.944 7.819 24.352 12.42 38.832 12.42V65.755a39.26 39.26 0 0 1-8.155-.853v21.923c-14.479 0-27.885-4.601-38.832-12.42v56.835c0 28.432-23.06 51.479-51.505 51.479-10.613 0-20.478-3.207-28.673-8.707C82.187 183.57 95.23 189.5 109.66 189.5c28.447 0 51.508-23.047 51.508-51.48V81.186zm10.06-28.098c-5.593-6.107-9.265-14-10.06-22.726V26.78h-7.728c1.945 11.09 8.58 20.565 17.788 26.308zm-80.402 99.107a23.445 23.445 0 0 1-4.806-14.256c0-13.004 10.548-23.547 23.561-23.547a23.6 23.6 0 0 1 7.147 1.103V87.022a51.97 51.97 0 0 0-8.152-.469v22.162a23.619 23.619 0 0 0-7.15-1.103c-13.013 0-23.56 10.543-23.56 23.548 0 9.195 5.272 17.157 12.96 21.035z" fill="#ee1d52"/><path d="M153.012 74.405c10.947 7.819 24.353 12.42 38.832 12.42V64.902c-8.082-1.72-15.237-5.942-20.617-11.814-9.208-5.743-15.843-15.218-17.788-26.308H133.14v111.239c-.046 12.968-10.576 23.468-23.561 23.468-7.652 0-14.45-3.645-18.755-9.292-7.688-3.878-12.96-11.84-12.96-21.035 0-13.005 10.547-23.548 23.56-23.548 2.493 0 4.896.388 7.15 1.103V86.553c-27.945.577-50.42 23.399-50.42 51.467 0 14.011 5.597 26.713 14.68 35.993 8.195 5.5 18.06 8.707 28.673 8.707 28.445 0 51.505-23.048 51.505-51.479z" fill="#fff"/><path d="M191.844 64.902v-5.928a38.84 38.84 0 0 1-20.617-5.887 38.948 38.948 0 0 0 20.617 11.815zM153.439 26.78a39.524 39.524 0 0 1-.427-3.198V20h-28.028v111.24c-.045 12.967-10.574 23.467-23.56 23.467-3.813 0-7.412-.904-10.6-2.512 4.305 5.647 11.103 9.292 18.755 9.292 12.984 0 23.515-10.5 23.561-23.468V26.78zm-44.864 59.773v-6.311a51.97 51.97 0 0 0-7.067-.479C73.06 79.763 50 102.811 50 131.24c0 17.824 9.063 33.532 22.835 42.772-9.083-9.28-14.68-21.982-14.68-35.993 0-28.067 22.474-50.889 50.42-51.466z" fill="#69c9d0"/><path d="M154.904 230c7.607 0 13.775-6.117 13.775-13.662s-6.168-13.663-13.775-13.663h-.188c-7.607 0-13.774 6.118-13.774 13.663S147.109 230 154.716 230zm-6.792-13.662c0-3.67 3-6.643 6.7-6.643 3.697 0 6.697 2.973 6.697 6.643s-3 6.645-6.697 6.645c-3.7-.001-6.7-2.975-6.7-6.645z" fill="#fff"/></g></svg>

  • Click Save


Let me know if you have any questions regarding the Tikton icon on Brooklyn theme 🙂


Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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Posts: 1

Thanks for this.


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