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Dawn Theme - Image On Mobile Look Blurry

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Eminent Member
Joined: 3 years ago
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Hi everyone,


I'm using the Dawn theme 2.0




When I upload images on section "image with text" it looks good and sharp, on the other hand, on mobile it looks blurry.


How can I solve that?



Reputable Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 0

Hi @ben,

The image itself has bad quality if you try to zoom it, try to upload HD photos and check again, if you got blurry images, feel free to post again so we can check the issue origin

Kind regards,

This post was modified 3 years ago by plaktheme

Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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Eminent Member
Joined: 3 years ago
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Hi @plaktheme,


I upload pictures with text that are vectorized, pictures with HD quality, same result. It becomes blurry on mobile.


Also, I would appreciate if you can remove the picture in your last message as a concern of rights.




Reputable Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 0
Posted by: @ben

Hi @plaktheme,


I upload pictures with text that are vectorized, pictures with HD quality, same result. It becomes blurry on mobile.


Also, I would appreciate if you can remove the picture in your last message as a concern of rights.




A way to fix this is by doing these changes :


  • From your Shopify admin, click Online store > Actions > Edit code
  • Open the file image-with-text.liquid
  • Change this code
srcset="{%- if section.settings.image.width >= 165 -%}{{ section.settings.image | img_url: '165x' }} 165w,{%- endif -%}
{%- if section.settings.image.width >= 360 -%}{{ section.settings.image | img_url: '360x' }} 360w,{%- endif -%}
{%- if section.settings.image.width >= 535 -%}{{ section.settings.image | img_url: '535x' }} 535w,{%- endif -%}
{%- if section.settings.image.width >= 1070 -%}{{ section.settings.image | img_url: '1070x' }} 1070w,{%- endif -%}
{%- if section.settings.image.width >= 1500 -%}{{ section.settings.image | img_url: '1500x' }} 1500w,{%- endif -%}
{{ section.settings.image | img_url: 'master' }} {{ section.settings.image.width }}w"
src="{{ section.settings.image | img_url: '1500x' }}"
sizes="(min-width: {{ settings.page_width }}px) {{ settings.page_width | minus: 100 | divided_by: 2 }}px, (min-width: 750px) calc((100vw - 130px) / 2), calc((100vw - 50px) / 2)"
alt="{{ section.settings.image.alt | escape }}"
width="{{ section.settings.image.width }}"
height="{{ section.settings.image.height }}"
  • To this one
srcset="{%- if section.settings.image.width >= 165 -%}{{ section.settings.image | img_url: '' }} 165w,{%- endif -%}
{%- if section.settings.image.width >= 360 -%}{{ section.settings.image | img_url: '' }} 360w,{%- endif -%}
{%- if section.settings.image.width >= 535 -%}{{ section.settings.image | img_url: '' }} 535w,{%- endif -%}
{%- if section.settings.image.width >= 1070 -%}{{ section.settings.image | img_url: '1070x' }} 1070w,{%- endif -%}
{%- if section.settings.image.width >= 1500 -%}{{ section.settings.image | img_url: '1500x' }} 1500w,{%- endif -%}
{{ section.settings.image | img_url: 'master' }} {{ section.settings.image.width }}w"
src="{{ section.settings.image | img_url: '' }}"
sizes="(min-width: {{ settings.page_width }}px) {{ settings.page_width | minus: 100 | divided_by: 2 }}px, (min-width: 750px) calc((100vw - 130px) / 2), calc((100vw - 50px) / 2)"
alt="{{ section.settings.image.alt | escape }}"
width="{{ section.settings.image.width }}"
height="{{ section.settings.image.height }}"


  • Click Save


Here an A/B test of an image quality on mobile view



Please note that this code is specific to the section (Image with text ) only, more advanced changes need to be done to make the theme adapted to HD image.

In case you don't know it yet, unlike the free theme Dawn, Plak theme is extremely performed for HD images.

Kind regards,

Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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