Add svg logo instea...
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[Solved] Add svg logo instead of JPEG in my shopify store

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I like more SVG logos than JPEG or PNG, however i can't upload the SVG logo directly from the theme editor, could you guide me please to upload my SVG logo?

Thanks in advance

Jasmine Keinsh
Estimable Member Admin
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 131

Hi @salinas33

Jasmine from Plak support here,

You can change the standard image logo to SVG by following these steps :


  • From your Shopify dashboard, click Online store > Actions > Edit code
  • Open the file header.liquid
  • Replace the below code
 {% if section.settings.logo %}
{%- assign img_url = section.settings.logo | img_url: '1x1' | replace: '_1x1.', '_{width}x.' -%}
{% capture logo_alt %}{{ section.settings.logo.alt | default: }}{% endcapture %}
<img class="lazyload js animation--{{settings.lazyloading-effect}}"
src="{{ section.settings.logo | img_url: '' }}"
data-src="{{ img_url }}"
data-widths="[180, 360, 540, 720, 900, 1080, 1296, 1512, 1728, 2048]"
data-aspectratio="{{ section.settings.logo.aspect_ratio }}"
alt="{{ logo_alt | escape }}"
style="max-width: {{ section.settings.logo_max_width }}px">
{% else %} <p>{{ }}</p> {% endif %}
  • With
<img src="{{ 'logo.svg' | asset_url }}" alt="{{ }}"> 
  • Click Save
  • The Click on Assets > Add a new asset
  • Upload your SVG logo (note : it must be named logo)
  • Click Save


Kind regards,

Jasmine | Plak theme support
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salinas33 reacted
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thank you so much


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