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Buy product via homepage on Plak Theme

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Hello dear Plak team, is there a possibility to set up a product purchase option directly on the homepage?

I will add an image of an example!

Best regards!


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Hi @doreenhein

Katrine from Plak Theme support here,

We have removed the option to showcase a product for a direct sale on homepage on Plak theme, because it has some inconvenient such as :


  • Site speed will be impacted
  • The SEO will be negatively impacted, because the Time session Duration will decrease and Bounce rate will increase
  • The return rate will be negatively impacted, because some people would buy a product without seeing the full product description


Plak Theme users have seen an increase in their sales compared to their old theme, because Plak was designed in a way to increase SEO, lower bounce rate, lower return rate, ...


Kind regards,

Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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Hi Katrine,
I have thought about your arguments and you are definitely right that for many online shops this is better without this option. Still, I would have liked to set it up because I have a One Product Store. Is there a way to set it up anyway?

best regards


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Posted by: @doreenhein


Hi Katrine,
I have thought about your arguments and you are definitely right that for many online shops this is better without this option. Still, I would have liked to set it up because I have a One Product Store. Is there a way to set it up anyway?

best regards


If you have one product store, it is better to go with Sly theme, which is made for single product stores only.

Having the featured product on homepage on Plak theme, will require bunches of codes changing and this exceed the scope of assistance in this forum, for this I invite you to get in touch with our support via email

Kind regards,

Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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