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How do I link category list images to collection pages

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Switching our site over to PLAK 2.4. The category list images on the current site link to category pages. How can I do that? The site is

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Hi Michael,

Katrine here from Plak Theme support,

I checked your site, and it seems you're using another theme, I suppose you are working on an unpublished version of Plak

You will receive a request shortly in order to access your store so we can check what you would like to do regarding this homepage section

Thanks in advance

Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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Posted by: @allergystore

Switching our site over to PLAK 2.4. The category list images on the current site link to category pages. How can I do that? The site is

Thanks for granting me the access, I fixed the issue.

By default the collection image will link to the homepage if the collection is empty, I removed this condition from the code, now each image is linked to its collection perfectly.

The correction has been done on the unpublished theme called Plak 2.4 * by plak support *

If you encounter any other issue or have questions, fee free to post anytime

Best regards,

Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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Thank you for the help. The collection pages come up but the sub-collections don't show. Example -

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Posted by: @allergystore

Thank you for the help. The collection pages come up but the sub-collections don't show. Example -

This is not something included in Plak Theme, however you can use a separate page to list your collections, like this on Yoga demo store.

Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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