How to add hyperlin...
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How to add hyperlink on image with text overlay/ Cart page countdown not working.

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Hello Plak theme,

I'm having some issue with the theme and need your help! 😣 

Firstly, is there a way to hyperlink an image with text overlay section I want the customer to click on the image to direct them to the product straight away instead of clicking on the button.

Also another issue I'm facing is that, I've enabled the cart page countdown but I can not seem to see any timer going. 😮 I've attached the image what's showing on my page.

Kind regards,

Carolina P

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Hi Carolina,

Katrine here from Plak theme support,

Regarding your first question, I invite you to follow these steps in order to add a link to the image in the (image with text overlay) section :

  • From your Shopify dashboard, click online store > Actions > Edit code
  • Open the file hero.liquid
  • Just before the below code
<div data-section-id="{{ }}" data-section-type="hero-section" class="{{section.settings.hero-visibility}}">
  • Add this one
<a href="{{ section.settings.button_link }}">
  • And just before this one 
{% schema %}
  • Add the following
  • Click Save


Now the link you would assign to the button on the (image with text overlay) section will be assigned to the whole section


Regarding your second concern about the countdown timer in the cart page, I went to your site and fixed it directly, the issue comes from an interference with the autocurrency converter at cart page, the autocurrency may not work now on the cart page... we will fix this in the next release

if you encounter any other issue or have questions, don't hesitate Carolina to post again 🙂


Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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Caro reacted
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Hi Katrine,

Thank you so much for your help and support, both function is working great! 😀

I have another function that's seems to be not working 😣...

I've been trying to add small badge on my heading menu just like how it shows in plak theme demo site. I've found the mega menu in theme setting and assigned one of the badge but nothing is showing 😫 


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Posted by: @caro

Hi Katrine,

Thank you so much for your help and support, both function is working great! 😀

I have another function that's seems to be not working 😣...

I've been trying to add small badge on my heading menu just like how it shows in plak theme demo site. I've found the mega menu in theme setting and assigned one of the badge but nothing is showing 😫 


I am glad you could resolve your first issues.

Regarding the badges, the will appear ONLY when there is a dropdown menu, for example, your menu (Shop Categories) has a dropdown menu, you can assign to it the badge (new or sale) but not the other ones.

Kind regards,

Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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Caro reacted
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Right got it!! thank you 🙂 

King regards,



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