Image with text ove...
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Image with text overlay bug

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I have a image with text overlay for desktop only, and another image with text overlay one for mobile only.

The text size I choose on desktop overlay is forced onto the mobile overlay. I can't have different sizes for each. Why is that? Please fix this issue.

Also.. as my branding is black.. how can I have just the white text part written on a pure black background?

See attached for example.


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Hi @salafi1981

Thanks for having flagged this bug,

In order to fix this I invite you to completely change the text with image section code by following this :


  • Online store > Actions > Edit code
  • Open the file hero.liquid
  • Replace the entire code with the one in this file
  • Click Save


Feel free to reach out to us if you encounter any other issue

Kind regards,



Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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Done thanks.


There is also another error on desktop only.... on section height 'adapt to image'... it is not adapting but cutting the top and bottom off the image.


And if I do extra large .. it shows fine on 'desktop view' but on 'full screen view' it also cuts off top and bottom.

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And is it possible to have the white overlay text, just the text only on pure black rectangular boxes (as I showed above)




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One final issue before I finish this banner - the heading is not showing in Consolas font.



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Its ok I fixed consolas issue.


So now just 2 outstanding issues.

1. Image is not adapting to banner placeholder (cut off top and bottom)

2.White overlay text on a pure black background... how to do it.



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Posted by: @salafi1981

Its ok I fixed consolas issue.


So now just 2 outstanding issues.

1. Image is not adapting to banner placeholder (cut off top and bottom)

2.White overlay text on a pure black background... how to do it.



Could you include some screenshots to help me better identify the issue ?

Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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Just Tall reacted
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The image is cut off at the top and bottom on desktop view.

Another question, on IMAGE WITH TEXT OVERLAY and 1 IMAGE WITH TEXT  i want to set the heading to line spacing 1, and bold (this is the current setting in parallax).


Please advise how to change. 

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Posted by: @salafi1981

The image is cut off at the top and bottom on desktop view.

Another question, on IMAGE WITH TEXT OVERLAY and 1 IMAGE WITH TEXT  i want to set the heading to line spacing 1, and bold (this is the current setting in parallax).


Please advise how to change. 

Could you show me the original image and the rendered on your store here it is cut off please ?

Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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Cut off top and bottom

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Another question, on IMAGE WITH TEXT OVERLAY and 1 IMAGE WITH TEXT  i want to set the:heading to

line spacing 1,



(this is the current setting in parallax).


Please advise how to change. 

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Posted by: @salafi1981



Thanks for providing the image, here is how to do to show the entire image :

  • Online store > Actions > Edit code
  • Open the file hero.liquid
  • Change the value
  • To this one
  • Click Save


Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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Posted by: @salafi1981

Another question, on IMAGE WITH TEXT OVERLAY and 1 IMAGE WITH TEXT  i want to set the:heading to

line spacing 1,



(this is the current setting in parallax).


Please advise how to change. 

  • Open the file hero.liquid and feature-row.liquid and paste this code at the very top
{% style %}
.mega-title, .image-text-title {
letter-spacing: 1px !important;
font-weight: bold !important;
{% endstyle %}
  • Click Save


Don't hesitate if you have any other request


Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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Thanks this is fixed!


Last issue in this hero banner and also image with text is to change header text to bold, and header line spacing to 1


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