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BFCM Discount Upon Purchasing a Licence at Plak Theme

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Hi all,

In order to help Shopify merchants create a professional eCommerce store fast and profit from the BFCM holidays period, we are offering an exclusive promotion on all our themes and services.


As you may know, Black Friday takes place on November 26th this year, followed by Cyber Monday on November 29th, in this regard, we offering 50% discount upon buying any theme or a service on our site



Promotion details :


  • Coupon code : BFCM50
  • Apply to : themes and services
  • Start date : 28 October 2021
  • End date : 29 November 2021


Enjoy building a Shopify website by using our high performance themes.


If you have any questions or issues, feel free to comment below 🙂


Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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Before posting, we invite you to read and follow the forum rules | We also support any questions related to Free Shopify themes :Dawn, Express, Minimal, Brooklyn, Narrative, Supply, Debut, Venture, Boundless and Simple