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Facebook page is posting links to products on my website

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Hi all,

I went to a real problem today, my Facebook page is posting links to products on my website. I can see it in my feed and so do my customers but I do not know how to stop it. It is not showing up in my news feed on my page as admin to delete it. All it shows is a picture and a see details link that goes to the page and to my Facebook shop. I tried disabling the shop channel and it didn't make a difference.

Help please !

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Hi @steven

Katrine from Plak support here,

I think this problem comes from the Shopify Kit app, if you have this installed, uninstall it and let me know if this fixes the issue.

Kind regards,

Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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Steven reacted
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it seems to be fixed, yeah thanks a lot 🙂


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