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How to add an image to the FAQ answer on Plak theme

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Hey I would like to add an image to a Faq question. How can I do that?

This topic was modified 3 years ago 2 times by Jasmine Keinsh

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Hi @doreenhein

Katrine here from Plak Theme support,

Could you tell me where exactly you would like to show the image ?

Thanks in advance

Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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Hi Katrine, 

of course I attached a picture below


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Posted by: @doreenhein

Hi Katrine, 

of course I attached a picture below


Thanks Doreen for the screenshot, would you like to insert the image in the FAQ description ?

Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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@plaktheme Yes right!

Jasmine Keinsh
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Hi @doreenhein

Jasmine here from Plak Theme support,

In order to insert an image in the FAQ answer, I invite you to follow these steps :


  • From your Shopify dashboard, click Online store > Actions > Edit code
  • Open the file faq.liquid
  • At the very bottom, locate the text (richtext)

  • Change it to (html)

  • Click Save
  • Now from the theme editor, select FAQ

  • Click on FAQ that has just appeared on the left side

  • The answer are now supports HTML so you can insert an image, video, custom style, ... to make things easy for you, you can use an html editor like this one to insert an image, here is a simple code for text and image to insert in the FAQ answer box :
<p> an image below </p>

<img class="lazyload" data-src="YOUR-IMAGE-URL-HERE" alt="image alt text here">

<p>text below image </p>
  • Replace the YOUR-IMAGE-URL-HERE with you actual image URL
  • Click Save


Note : You can upload your image in the Shopify files are by going to Shopify dashboard > Settings > Files > Upload files


Let me know if it worked for you and if you need any further assistance

Kind regards,

This post was modified 3 years ago 2 times by Jasmine Keinsh

Jasmine | Plak theme support
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@plakadmin Hi Jasmine, thank you so much! Everything worked out perfectly! Is there an option how I can get the image displayed a bit smaller? It is now huge 😀 Thanks for everything! With Love, Doreen


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Hi Doreen,

I am glad you could get your image displayed exactly how you wanted it to be 🙂

You can adjust the width and the height of the image by adding the height and the width adjuster to the first code, the final code will look like this

<img class="lazyload" data-src="YOUR-IMAGE-URL-HERE" alt="image alt text here" style="width:300px;height:200px">

You can adjust the width and the height by modifying their respective values 300px and 200px on the example above.

Let me know Doreen if you need any further help ^^

All the best

Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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@plaktheme Got it! Thank you so much!


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