How to edit stock l...
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How to edit stock level text on product page?

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Started working with Plaktheme today and it's been great so far. Thanks! One thing I couldn't find yet, is how to customise the text where it shows the stock. See attached image.

I found another post and the answer there was how to remove it. But that I don't want. I'd like to display the stock (in dutch 'voorraad') and I simply wonder where I can change the phrase "Default Title" that is now displayed.




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Hi @remi

katrine from Plak support here

This is because you have only one default variant in your product page. If you don't specify any options at the time of product creation, your product will have automatically one variant associated with a title of Default Title.

If you don't want the default variant to appear, you'll need to specify at least one variant option in the product page (screenshot below) 

This title (default title) will not appear if you have many variants in a product

Let me know if you got the point.

Kind regards,


Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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Hi Katrine,

Thanks a lot for the hint, found it!👍 It wasn't even Plaktheme related 😊 Super thanks for explaining it anyway. Shopify is also new to me!

Kind regards,


plaktheme reacted
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You're welcome anytime Remi 🙂

Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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