Does anyone know to change the pricing table background text color? You can edit colors for the header and sub-header but not text below that. Also if the "most popular text" section is too long, the star doesn't move. If will just sit next the heading, anyway to fix that?
Katrine here from Plak theme support,
In order to change the colors of the price table content, i invite you to follow these steps
- From your Shopify admin, go to Online store > Actions > Edit code
- Open the file theme.scss.liquid
- At the very bottom, add this code
.block-price li { color : blue; // this is the text color background : grey; // this is the background color }
- Change the colors as per your need and click Save, you can also use HTML colors using this tool to have something like this
.block-price li { color : #1620F0; // this is the text color background : #CCE721; // this is the background color }
However, could you explain more you issue with the star icon next to the (most popular item) ?
Kind regards,
Depending on the view, either desktop vs fullscreen, the "Most Popular Text" with star symbol come out different. How do I show both the text and star below the heading, which in my pictures says Combo Purchase. Lastly, how do I display both a Compare at price and Sale price, similar to the featured product page.
In order to have the (start + the most popular tex) below the header, just add <br> after the header text
Where do you want to display the price & compare at price to be similar like the featured product?
@plaktheme On the pricing table, below the heading. In the picture above for example, could you have a compare at price to the left of $8.99/Item.
@plaktheme On the pricing table, below the heading. In the picture above for example, could you have a compare at price to the left of $8.99/Item.
To have a styled prices like the image below, I invite you to follow these steps :
- Head to the area where you would like to display the price & crossed out price
- insert this code in that area
<div style="display: inline-block;"> <span style="font-size: 16px;text-decoration: line-through;color:red;">19.99$</span> <span style="font-size: 20px;;color:green;">29.99$</span></div>
- Change the font-size value and the color as per your need. To make it easy for you, you can modify the style and the colors by using this HTML EDITOR
- Click Save
Let us know if you need any further assistance
Kind regards,
Jasmine | Plak theme support
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