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Good afternoon!  I would like to add the ability for my customers to be able to sort results on the product page.  I already have my filters activated but I would like to also have the ability for customers to sort products based on: price low to high, price high to low, and other commonly requested options.  I have attached a screen shot of a website who uses the feature I'm referencing.  Is this something that's possible? Thanks!


Jasmine Keinsh
Estimable Member Admin
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 131

Hi @beverageselect

Jasmine from Plak Theme support here,

I see your point about filtering using the sidebar mingled with filtering by price, date, ...

For some technical reasons (related to Shopify), we can't use both of them, because the filtering won't work properly.

But here are some workarounds to filtering :

- By price : You can add the price range on your product page as a tag and use it in the filtering sidebar
- Other filtering : you can set the collection to automatically show the (newest, best sellers, date, ...) products first


If we find a solution to this in the next future, we will surely keep you updated

Kind regards,

Jasmine | Plak theme support
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