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products images slidable on mobile

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I know that it is a complex issue, but can you help me to make mobile photos from the product pages slideable? What would it mean to do that?

Thank you

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Posts: 33

Hello @ilyeszoltan,

PJ here from Plaktheme Support.

Sorry, but this task exceed the scope of this forum as it will requires bunches of changes in different files.

You can send a request via THIS LINK and one of our developers will be in touch with you as soon as possible.

Also, sliders aren't recommended in product page, because they would slow the page speed down.

Should you have any other concerns, please do not hesitate to let me know!

Best Regards,


PJ | Plak theme support

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Hello @pjforum

Even finger slideable are slowing down the pages?

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Posted by: @ilyeszoltan

Hello @pjforum

Even finger slideable are slowing down the pages?

Hello @ilyeszoltan

Yes, simply because we would be needing to add some codes to the JS Liquid File to enable and animate the sliders.

And each additional scripts will affect the site speed which is not ideal.

But if you really want to get it done, then please do contact our developers via Custom Tasks HERE

Best Regards,


PJ | Plak theme support

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Thank you for support.


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