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space after thumbnail photo on product page

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I am a Plak Theme user and I have an issue with the product page.

After the thumbnail photo, on mobile, there is a big space on the products with multiple photos. If i press the right arrow to scroll the thumbnail photo, space disappears (on android phones) 

I attach a photo to see what's about. I had this problem also when updating to 2.3 Plak theme but you resolved it. Can you tell me how to fix this and not disturbing you every time it appears?


Thank You,


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HI @ilyeszoltan

Katrine here from Plak them support,

I checked your both sites, one it appears to be using Plak 2.4 and one it uses Plak 2.3, could you tell me which one of them you are having this issue ?

Thanks in advance

Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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Hi @Katrine

On both sites after I made an update to Plak 2.4. The one with Plak 2.3 Theme is not Published yet with the Plak 2.4 theme, but it has the same problem

  Thank you

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Posted by: @ilyeszoltan

Hi @Katrine

On both sites after I made an update to Plak 2.4. The one with Plak 2.3 Theme is not Published yet with the Plak 2.4 theme, but it has the same problem

  Thank you

I fixed the issue on your both sites on Plak 2.4

If it happens again here is the fix :

  • Click Online store > Actions > Edit code
  • Open the file theme.css
  • At the very bottom paste this code
@media only screen and (max-width: 667px) {
.slick-track {
height : 60px !important;
  • Click Save


Note : I didn't find this issue on our demo store neither on some merchant sites that I checked, the issue comes most likely from a third party app you are using which is altering Plak original code

If you encounter any other issue, feel free to get back to us again

Kind regards,

Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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Thank you for your help.

Have a nice day

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Hi @Katrine

I am back again,

on the published website it is not solved the problem. On the iPhone mobile, it is ok, it was from the beginning ok, but on the android phone didn't work. It Is the same problem that I told you about at the 2.3 Plak update and you managed to solve it. The issue is happening only on the products with more than 10 photos. The products with less than 10 photos are ok.

Kind regards

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Posted by: @ilyeszoltan

Hi @Katrine

I am back again,

on the published website it is not solved the problem. On the iPhone mobile, it is ok, it was from the beginning ok, but on the android phone didn't work. It Is the same problem that I told you about at the 2.3 Plak update and you managed to solve it. The issue is happening only on the products with more than 10 photos. The products with less than 10 photos are ok.

Kind regards

Check now and tell me please if it is fixed for products that have 10+ images ^^

Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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It works now also for products with more than 10 pictures. 

Thank you.


PS. Can you write me the solution? ...If it happens again to know what to do.

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Posted by: @ilyeszoltan

It works now also for products with more than 10 pictures. 

Thank you.


PS. Can you write me the solution? ...If it happens again to know what to do.

Here is the code I added to the product templates 

Kind regards,

Katrine | Technical support at Plak, Scrowp & Vantout
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Thank you very much for your help.

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