Importing Etsy revi...
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Importing Etsy reviews to my Shopify store easily

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I want to import my Etsy reviews to Shopify easier than manually adjusting each review.
I use for my reviews. You can do an import, but it needs CSV. When you download your Etsy reviews, they are JSON. That can be converted, but there are issues. template is laid out different than Etsy which, I know I need to change "shop" (in review comments/body) to [company name/website] and that you can rearrange and add needed columns...but Etsy's sheet:
  • There is no "title" (add the column and leave it blank?).
  • "review_date" doesn't have a timestamp (change layout format and leave time off?).
  • Check "reviewer_name" (with hundreds of reviews, some are signed "Inactive Etsy Member" which need to be changed).
  • No "reviewer_email" (again, ok to leave it blank?).
  • Probably the biggest issue; There is no "product_id" - So I have to add the column then manually look up each one via order id#, grab the SKU and paste it??


Hopefully I can leave "product_handle" blank too?

Thanks in advance guys

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Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 13

If you can afford the one time fee, I think it’s about $70 or so, I would recommend a tool called shuttle. It’s amazing for all sorts of things, in particular copying your listings between the two websites so that you don’t have to duplicate your products manually, but one of the really nice things is that it has a review tool where you just press a button, it downloads everything in the correct format, and it gives you One super easy file that’s already perfect for you to upload into judgeme.

I know it’s not what you’re asking, but I just wanted to throw this out there as an option, since I don’t know the answer to your questions about all the fields.
Good luck either way!


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