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How to disable/enable the social sharing buttons ?

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In Plak theme, you can Show/hide the social sharing buttons (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest). Those buttons allow you and your customers to easily share the products into these social media by a simple click

How to disable/enable the social sharing buttons ?

How to show/hide these buttons ?

  • From the Plak theme editor, click on Product pages from the top dropdown menu
  • Click on Product pages on the left side
social sharing button plak theme
  • Check/uncheck the box Show social sharing buttons
  • Click Save

How to hide one or two social buttons ?

You can for instance chose to hide Twitter & Pinterest and keep just Facebook sharing button, in order to do so :

  • From Plak theme editor, click Theme settings > Social media
  • Uncheck the undesired buttons
  • Click Save

The social buttons on the footer are SEO friendly, they were coded in Plak theme to be opened in a new tab to optimize the (Bounce rate & time session duration). When someone click on Facebook icon for instance, your linked Facebook page opens in a new tab, and the visitor will still have your website opened to get back to it easily.

  • From Plak theme editor, click Theme settings > Social media
  • Head to SOCIAL ACCOUNTS and insert your existing social media links
Social media Plak theme
  • Click Save

If you would like to hide a social icon, just leave it area empty (Pinterest is empty in this example, then Pinterest icon won’t show up)


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