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Wishlist page – Kozen –

Unleash the power of wishlist in Kozen theme to increase sales and conversion. Allow customers start saving their favorite products to wishlist for later viewing.

Intuitive, full-featured wishlist module that doesn’t require your users to log in to save favorites and is optimized for mobile users.

Where can the users view their wishlist products ?

Whether a user is logged in or not, a user can view its products added to wishlist either by clicking the heart icon on the header

Or if the user is logged in, he can access the wishlist page from his account page

How to enable the Wishlist feature ?

1 Add a wishlist page

The wishlist page is where your customer can view their favorites products added via the wishlist button/icon

  • From your Shopify dashboard, click Online store > Pages
  • Click Add page
  • Give a title to your wishlist page and optionally a description
  • Click Edit Website SEO, then under URL and handle name the page exactly wishlist

Important : The wishlist page is connected to the customer account under the URL ../pages/wishlist. In order to make it functional, please give the page the exact handle name as shown in the image below.

wishlist handle

2 Assign the Wishlist template

One you have created the Wishlist page, you need to assign the Wishlist template to it.

  • Under Template suffix, chose page.wishlist and click Save
  • Note : The theme must be published in order to see and apply the wishlist template
wihslist template plak theme

3 Enable the Wishlist feature from the theme editor

Header icon :

  • Theme editor, click HeaderEnable Wishlist

Product page :

  • Theme editor, click the top dropdown menu and select ProductsDefault product > Add block > Wishlist

Product card icon :

  • Theme editor, click Theme settings > General> under collection page, click Enable Wishlist

Wishlist in action


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