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View All button issue on my shopify store

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Hello again,

 My home page looks great. When I click on View All, my pictures become disproportioned and my products look awful.

What do I do?


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Posts: 33

Hello @a-homespun-hobby,

PJ here from Plaktheme Support.

This is because the rows from homepage and collection page (3) is not the same, also one thing is that your images are not all in standard sizes.

Anyway, In order to enable and customize your Collection Page (Image Positioning), please follow instructions given in THIS TUTORIAL

  • From the Shopify Editor -> Customize -> Collection Pages -> Sections -> Collection Pages then: choose your preferred Image Appearance
  • Also the Product Per Row (Grid Only) set to "5" if you want it to be the same just like your Homepage.


Hope this clarifies your concern.

Should you have any other concerns, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Best Regards,


PJ | Plak theme support

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Thank you.

 That worked well.

I don't think my photos can be the same size. They are images of paintings and they are different sizes. Is there a way for them to be all the same size and not be distorted?


Eminent Member
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 33

Hello @a-homespun-hobby,

Glad to hear that and yes there are two ways that I can think of:

First, the easy way - find an app from SHOPIFY APP Store of your preference that does this, I can recommend an app called: PIXC - it would make all your images in standard sizes for them to be even and lined up.

Second, which is a bit time consuming (but it works) - You will have to manually resize them one by one either in Shopify Editor or from your CSV (computer/laptop)

  • You can go with this solution if you only have few images ( but if you have like over thousands ) then I guess an app would be great.

Should you have any other concerns, please do not hesitate to let me know!

Best Regards,


PJ | Plak theme support

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