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How to add colors swatch to product page?

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The Swatches feature is crucial for any store that offers products available in different variant colors, sizes, ….

This feature in Plak theme basically replaces the regular drop-down menu of your color variants into elegant swatches by a simple click from the theme editor.

The look difference between Swatches & Dropdown menus

Dropdown menus

How it works ?

When your product has variants available, the swatch script detects the variants options (size, color, …) and display option in a row.

Your variants images are compressed into small thumbnails to give an elegance to your variants design.

hover over variant

When a user hover over a color, the user could see the variant color name as a tool-tip.

>> Demo store
Video about colors swatch

How to enable Swatches in Plak theme?

  • From your Shopify dashboard, click Online store > customize
  • From the theme editor, click on the top dropdown menu and select Product pages
product page plak theme
  • Click Product pages on the left section
  • Head to Show variants as, and select Swatch
variants swatch

Click Save


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